Whistleblowing channel

Internal Information System and Information Channel

At dentsu, we are committed to maintaining a safe workplace that complies with our ethical standards, our internal regulations and current legislation, creating an environment of transparency. This includes providing our employees, suppliers and business partners the appropriate support and tools to report behavior that violates our Code of Conduct, as well as our company Policies and values and applicable laws.

To enable them to report such non-compliance, dentsu makes several channels available to all of them:

Speak Up @ Dentsu portal Speak Up @ Dentsu,which is managed independently by Convercent. This Speak Up @ Dentsu portal is free and confidential to use. If you prefer, communications can be made anonymously. The portal is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

For reporting in the Whistleblowing Channel can also be contacted via the toll-free telephone numbers listed on the portal.

Alternatively, communications may be reported through the other existing channels: reporting line, HR department, Compliance Manager and members of the dentsu Criminal Compliance Committee or through the email Speakup@dentsu.com which is received by the Global Compliance department of dentsu.

Therefore, the essential principles governing the dentsu Information System are as follows:

1.- Who can report

Internal Information System is available to any employee, director, shareholder of the dentsu Group Spain, as well as any person working under the supervision and management of suppliers, contractors and subcontractors of the dentsu Group Spain who, in a employment context (whether the employment relationship has not yet started or has already ended), have become aware of a breach.

2.- What can be reported

The dentsu Information System, can be used to report possible irregular conduct or potential illegal or unlawful acts relating to companies belonging to the dentsu Group in Spain.

3.- Prohibition of Retaliation

Dentsu has a zero-tolerance policy against retaliation of any kind against those who act in good faith and report detected illegal acts.

4. Confidentiality and Anonymity

All communications made through the dentsu Information System will be treated confidentially. The Speak Up portal offers the possibility of making communications anonymously.

5. Rights of the individuals concerned

Guarantee of rights to privacy, honour, and the presumption of innocence of the people to whom the communication refers.

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